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Getting started


  • Modules can be moved by dragging using an empty area on the module. Usually using the topmost area of a component works best.
  • A context-menu will appear after right-clicking on an empty area of the module, such as the topmost area. The context-menu can be used to delete the module, set a custom color for the module's (normally invisible) title bar and more.
  • Modules can be interconnected by dragging from an output to an input. That way the spectrum data from the output is passed on to the input.
    • A spectrum signal transfers multiple (512) values of 0.0..511.9 each.
    • A level signal transfers a single value of 0.0..511.9.
    • A status transfers a single value of either 0.0 or 511.9.
    • A pulse transfers a single value of 0.0 followed by a single value of 511.9.
  • Any signal can be connected to any signal and will automatically be converted as needed.
    • Going from spectrum->level->status averages the information.
    • Going from status->level->spectrum spreads the information.
  • Connections can be deleted by right-clicking on an input or output.
  • Only a single connection can exist per input or output. This can be gotten around by using Split (or Double) and OR components.
  • Circular loops are prohibited and will automatically be broken apart.
  • To see the meaning of an input or output, you can hover over it so that the status bar will change and tooltip may appear.
  • A details window will appear after clicking on the ellips (...) that exists on some modules.
  • This version of Lightning contains support for programs and scenes. Please check the Elektroda website and use Google Translate or see the example setups contained in the Lightning package.

Module list


Module name Filename Source available
Audio->Audio in_audio not yet
Audio->BPMStudio in_bpmstudio not yet
Audio->Beat in_avsbeat yes
Controls->Button in_button yes
Controls->Color in_color not yet
Controls->ImageMap in_imagemap not yet
Controls->Level in_level yes
Controls->MultiButton in_multibutton yes
Controls->ScreenStick in_screenstick not yet
Controls->Switch in_switch yes
Hardware->DMX in_dmx not yet
Hardware->Joystick in_joystick not yet
Hardware->MiniJoystick in_minijoystick not yet
Hardware->ParallelPort in_parport not yet
Hardware->SerialMouse in_serialmouse not yet
Miscellaneous->NetworkClient in_networkclient yes
Miscellaneous->Pulse in_pulse not yet


Module name Filename Source available
Logic->AND proc_and not yet
Logic->AnalogDigital proc_analogdigital not yet
Logic->Gate proc_gate not yet
Logic->LargeGate proc_largegate not yet
Logic->OR proc_or not yet
Miscellaneous->Event proc_event not yet
Miscellaneous->Fade proc_fade not yet
Panels->Connection proc_connection yes
Panels->Double proc_double yes
Panels->MiniSplit proc_minisplit yes
Panels->Panel proc_panel yes
Panels->Split proc_split yes
Pulse Control->BPMPulse proc_bpmpulse not yet
Pulse Control->Beat proc_beat not yet
Pulse Control->BeatStabilize proc_beatstabilize not yet
Pulse Control->Comparator proc_comparator not yet
Pulse Control->Extend proc_extend yes
Pulse Control->Keep proc_keep yes
Pulse Control->PulseBPM proc_pulsebpm not yet
Pulse Control->Require proc_require yes
Pulse Control->TimeLimit proc_timelimit yes
Pulse Response->Counter proc_counter not yet
Pulse Response->Random proc_random not yet
Pulse Response->RandomPattern proc_randompattern not yet
Pulse Response->Switch proc_switch not yet
Spectrum Flow->AutoSelect proc_autoselect not yet
Spectrum Flow->SelectInput proc_selectinput not yet
Spectrum Flow->SelectOutput proc_selectoutput not yet
Spectrum Processing->Differentiate proc_differentiate not yet
Spectrum Processing->Invert proc_invert not yet
Spectrum Processing->Mixer proc_mixer not yet
Spectrum Processing->RunningAverage proc_runningaverage not yet
Spectrum Processing->Select proc_select not yet
Spectrum Processing->SelectMax proc_selectmax not yet
Value Processing->Blackout proc_blackout not yet
Value Processing->ChangeDetect proc_changedetect not yet
Value Processing->Chart proc_chart not yet
Value Processing->Conversion proc_conversion not yet
Value Processing->Zoom proc_zoom not yet


Module name Filename Source available
Output->Hardware->DMX out_dmx yes
Output->Hardware->KeyLights out_keylights not yet
Output->Hardware->ParallelPort out_lights not yet
Output->Hardware->ParallelPortMultiplex out_deluxelights not yet
Output->Hardware->Miscellaneous->Label out_label not yet
Output->Hardware->Miscellaneous->NetworkServer out_networkserver yes
Output->Scene Control->FadeTime out_fadetime not yet
Output->Scene Control->LoadDesktop out_load not yet
Output->Scene Control->NextProgram out_nextprogram yes
Output->Scene Control->NextScene out_nextscene yes
Output->Visual->Display out_display not yet
Output->Visual->Meter out_meter not yet
Output->Visual->MiniSpectrum out_minispectrum yes
Output->Visual->MultiRGBLight out_multisoftlight not yet
Output->Visual->RGBLight out_softlight not yet
Output->Visual->Spectrum out_spectrum not yet

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